Archive for the Uncategorized Category


Posted in Uncategorized on September 5, 2011 by Jackal

I’ve been super moving in the rest of my roommates so I’ve been really busy. This apartment thing is kind of rough! I promise I’ll be back on it by Tuesday.

Weekly Update- 8/22/11

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on August 22, 2011 by Jackal

So I’m moving into my apartment for the school year. Its kind of taking a long time cause my three other roommates are all moving in at different times and have different bits of furniture.

What do you mean the stripper chair isn't necessary?

Its sort of an interesting process… I brought my bed, some chairs, 2 bookcases, a dresser and a side table. Along with a ton of random other stuff. And the worst part it that the roommate who is moving in last is the one with the TV so I have 2 weeks till school, an Xbox and no TV. I’m going to die of boredom. And my Video Game of the Week segment is going to be lacking. Though I could do a couple on computer games since I do like to play those. Starcraft maybe or Diablo… I liked Sims when I was a kid, maybe I’ll replay that.

My sims had very healthy sex lives.

More news, my roommate has decided that we are not allowed to get a hedgehog because they’re wild animals and its unethical so we’re getting a rescue hedgehog. And yes, they apparently do exist. I don’t know how one becomes a rescue hedgehog or what the previous owners did to it but it will join my pet turtle and hopefully they will not kill each other. And the turtle’s name is Sonic so we have to think of a different name for the hedgehog. So far Deathcry Battlestrike is winning in the poles.

I... I don't know what this is.

Moving on, I saw a musical called Urinetown and it was actually more mature than I thought it would be and a bit depressing. It basically makes fun of every music genre and has a “fourth wall breaking” narrator, which I enjoy. The narrator was also the main policemen and was very good. The premise of the musical is that after a severe drought, private bathrooms are outlawed and it cost money to use the toilet. *Spoiler* The poor people rebel, the leader dies and the daughter of the evil CEO (who was in love with the leader) takes over the company and makes it free. In a twist, despite the asshole nature of the previous CEO, he actually helped save water. So the water dries up and everyone dies. Cheery.

Its the kind of ending you expect from a musical that has a pregnant hooker give birth on stage.

And I think that’s it…

Everything sorted

Posted in Uncategorized on August 18, 2011 by Jackal

I’m trying to get what is posted on what day to be consistent to I’m going to be clear.
Sunday- Weekly Update
Monday- Surviving the Week (This is going to be a bit more random and could come on other days)
Tuesday- Video Game of the Week
Wednesday- Day off
Thursday- Jackal’s Lists
Friday- It looked interesting at the time (may have title change)
Saturday- Day off

Hope it was clear. Thanks!

First Post

Posted in Uncategorized on May 25, 2011 by Jackal

Alright so bloggy blog blog.

I’ve obviously never done this before so I glanced at the advice section on wordpress and it said something about choosing a focus. Unfortunately I am not so good at focusing… and as a person am kind of all over the place. So I’ve decided to let the world know who I am and what I think! I’m assuming no one really cares so this works more as a cathartic relief than anything else.

Anyway I’m not really feeling like making this all about the minute details of my life so unfortunately no names and no places. Fortunately, I talk a crap-ton and like to share my feelings…. with everyone. Sorry.  Actually that might be an unfortunately but this isn’t about you, is it? Go write your own blog!

Feel free to come and go and read the things I write or not. I have some pictures up of some trips I’ve been on and I’d add more but Flickr is like “HELLLLLSSSS NOOOOO” cause apparently I’ve uploaded my fill for this month. I like photography so maybe there will be more artsy and less standard in the future. I haven’t really decided how to work this thing yet or what I’m actually going to write about. I like to do a lot of things, take a lot of trips, laze around on my couch in interesting ways. That’s just how I roll.